Monday, March 29, 2010

getting picked up on the freeway

One of my BFFs since freshman year of college came out to visit and celebrate one of her heading toward 30 birthdays. We had the best time ever. The weather was gorgeaus (which she was most appreciative of since she'd ventured from the near arctic cold). We hit every major tourist to-do in the LA area. We went out every night. It was pure exhaustion after four days of this but totally worth it. Which was what I wanted to give her for this birthday she wasn't entirely looking forward to having.

I think, though, the best present she got occurred during a tour of LA rush hour traffic. Since the normally half hour trip took over 2 hours it gave everyone plenty of time to scope out their neighbors. And in this process we were hit on by no less than 8(I didn't actually count but that sounds like a good estimate) males under the age of 21 (or else looking real good for their age). A car full of definite teenagers even offered us tickets to some concert thing that night. Thirty's not looking so bad all of a sudden!

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