Monday, March 29, 2010

the man who lives on our bench

If there is an actual concept of hell I'm probably going to it. For many reasons. Amongst them assuming someone is homeless without any proof. Case in point, I came home after being away for much of a weekend to find a random stranger sitting on one of the benches on my apartment building's front porch. He looked... well, disheveled to say the least. Definitely hadn't showered in awhile. And dazed and confused is an accurate description of his mentality at that moment. Upon seeing him I jumped back startled as it was early in the morning on a Sunday and I had never seen this man before. When he saw me he said, "Are any of the guys who live here home? I have a pack of cigarettes." A number of thoughts ran through my mind: Is he friends with my neighbors, have they given him cigarettes before, and dude, it's 8 o'clock in the morning so even if they do know you they probably aren't wanting to be awake to share a cigarette yet! All I said, though, was, "I don't think so," and went inside to lock my door. He continued to sit on our bench looking dazed and confused. Then, a couple days later I was inside my apartment already when he opened our entrance and made his way to sit down on our bench again. And so I still think he's homeless but is trying to be our new occupant that doesn't pay rent.

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