Monday, April 5, 2010

baby i got yo number

I used to be the queen of handing out my phone number to anyone (typically dudes) who asked for it. When I was drinking. When I was sober I had a little more sense. As I've gotten older and thoroughly realized the quality of men who ask for phone numbers from highly intoxicated ladies I got better at saying no. Having a boyfriend also helps with this (It also helps that now it isn't a lie when I tell the dudes asking for my number that I have one. It must sound more convincing).

So despite not having given out my phone number to any randoms this year I still occaisionally get text messages or have missed calls from numbers I don't recognize. I'm never sure if it's from a long past random or someone completely unrelated to this but either way I typically ignore it if they don't leave a message or some kind of identifying information. This didn't work with a text I got today from someone who wrote, "Who is this?" Seeing as I hadn't texted or called this number EVER far as I could remember I wanted to text back, "Well, since you're the one texting me shouldn't you know? And who is this?" But I refrained since smart ass ness doesn't always communicate effectively through text. And what if it was someone I know professionally? Against my better judgement I texted back my name and politely asked who it was. Some dude named Nick. That was when I realized more than likely it was probably a long time ago random cleaning out his phone but I couldn't remember a Nick. And I have a cousin named Nick. Although he wouldn't have a California area code. Then, the dude proceeded to send me a picture message of himself that resembles a male glamour shot. That's when I realized why I have my no response unless I know the person's number rule and continuing to text the dude would be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea. That didn't stop Mr. Nick from continuing to text me like he might get a date out of this random person he couldn't even remember meeting (not that I was any better off since even the picture didn't ring a bell). Since I haven't received a text in the last couple hours I think he finally got the hint.

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