Wednesday, April 21, 2010

parking ticket men

Not sure why I assume they're all men. Maybe because I've only seen men giving out the parking tickets. At any rate I have this ongoing debate inside my head (and sometimes out of it) as to whether or not I could ever be friends with someone who gave out parking tickets. Bonuses of the friendship: maybe he could pull some strings and I could get out of future parking tickets. Negatives of the friendship: I don't know if I could get past the fact that all he does is ruin people's days (sometimes weeks, months, years, entire lifes...). I currently have a vendetta against parking ticket men and am trying to work through this but until they build a small park in my honor (with a dedication plaque) I don't know if I can be the bigger person. And if push came to shove and I had to become a parking meter man to make ends meet I think I'd almost rather be a stripper or prostitute.

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