Monday, April 26, 2010

people o.d. part two

It is possible. To O.D. on people. I never used to be this way but am finding myself overdosing more often in the last year or so. Or maybe I've always been this way and am now just realizing the cause. There were definitely times in the past that I've felt crabby after spending too much time with too many people. Guess I just didn't realize I was until recently. This would be something that'd be pretty easy for me to do being that I've always had jobs where I interact with bunches of folks and have a million friends and family members.

In the last month or so I've had one of my best friends visit from the motherland, my mother visit from the motherland, gone to a music festival with at least 70,000 hipsters, druggies, teeny boppers and old people like myself, taken 100 kids on a field trip to a crowded university, facilitated a discussion forum with hundreds of high school participants in a fairly small setting, and assisted an Earth Day event for a large group of K-8th graders. Oh and both visits included multiple trips to tourist packed locales, including Disneyland. I would guesstimate I've encountered half a billion peeps in the last month. This necessitates the removal of myself from society for at least the next month.

I actually thought I was cured after I spent several nights this past week doing my own thing. I read. I took baths. I ate delicious food. I ran. I surfed. Usually I only need a night or two of alone time to get back on track. So when Saturday night came and the bf invited me to meet up with him and some of his friends I thought I was ready. Not so much. It was fine but I definitely wasn't back to my old self. I realized I'd still rather be laying on the couch watching Valentine's Day (okay, slight exaggeration as that's the world's worst movie) than socially engage with anyone, even really fun and friendly people I would normally make my new bestest friends. I hope the recovery period doesn't last much longer cuz I'd really like the old me back.

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