Friday, February 12, 2010

bestest part dos

Okay, I had to do it. One last cheesy post inspired by my bestest in the whole entire world (or at least for some time). I've just really been feeling the love hard core this week and based on some highly touching emails, phone calls, and face-to-face conversations I felt I should respond extremely publicly (okay, maybe not extremely publicly since I doubt anyone outside of the inner circle has even seen this but maybe someday... sigh).

Escaping a monsoon with some of the adopted sisters

I'm very lucky to be surrounded by people who are not only very loving and supportive (and have I mentioned hot?) but also very honest. If I ever need my arse kicked I have plenty of people who'd line up to do it and then give me a big hug afterwards. Luckily the heartfelt words I've received lately have all been of the good kind so my arse is feeling pretty good right now. As I mentioned before I sent this to some of the trusted inner circle to get some feedback on my writing (I'm pretty sure I find myself more entertaining than anyone else in the world so I need to get reality checks now and then) and so far it's been really positive (and if it's been negative I've probably ignored it; I once had a roommate who commented that denial isn't just a river in Egypt but also likely my middle name. There might be some truth to that). What I didn't expect were all the "I love yous" I received because of it. Many of my friends that live far and away said it made them feel like we were having a conversation and that we were closer in distance than we actually are in real life. And then thanked me for being who I am and their friend. I never expected my blog to be in any shape or form touching; I simply thought I could recount my hilarious encounters for posterity sake and perhaps snag a book deal once "they" (whomever they are) realize how great it could be.

Bus ride to the Hollywood Bowl

One of my friends (you know who you are) told me I was one of the most authentic people she knows, which is probably also one of the highest compliments I've ever been given and thoroughly surprised me. Not that I strive for fakeness but for a large portion of my life I've felt not quite like I fit in anywhere and I've only recently gotten to a place of full (or mostly full) self-acceptance, which while I'm trying to have a humorous blog here, has required the prerequisite stereotypical Eat, Pray, Love spiritual journey. Unfortunately since I haven't yet gotten my book deal I wasn't given the financial backing to spiritually explore myself in Italy, India, and Bali but think I got similar results in Michigan, the ATL, and southern California (much of the nirvana being found while getting smashed by large waves). Now I know this is a process most people undertake at some point in their lives because I think that's what makes us human and this is probably why I was not a huge fan of Eat, Pray, Love. Therefore, I likely won't be writing a book about revelations, as I feel it would simply be a compilation of what has already been written by the masses (Unless of course it's going to pay the big bucks; in which case I'll make an exception.).

Korean Bell of Friendship with fam and friends

The point of this post isn't to tell anyone how to be more authentic because I wouldn't even know where to begin or even if I've achieved that despite my friend's assurance that I have. The point of it is if I have achieved authenticity (and I think that's something we're all constantly striving for) then anyone can do it. Being true to oneself is one of life's greatest challenges, pleasures, and reward. I think some of my dissatisfaction with my current job stems from my desire for authenticity because I feel that I'm in a career field that doesn't necessarily value that trait. I often feel that I have to set an example at all times and that example is more one of social acceptance than authenticity. How can I teach child development and then talk about getting hammered immediately after? Or the biggest, how can I continue to work in a profession that's "helping" people when I don't fully agree with that term?

New Year's Eve!!!

And so authenticity continues to be something I strive for but am glad I at least seem to be on the right track. And I think I need to again thank my peeps because if I am on that pathway I owe a significant amount to them for inspiring me to become a better person, follow my passions, and be myself. Because no one loves me more exactly for who I am (no matter how many times I eff up and they have to kick my arse) and honestly, it's that unconditional love that makes all the difference in a person's life (Not the after school programs, tutoring, just say no to drugs talks... just don't tell my boss, I still need my job for at least a bit longer. Unless, of course, you want to buy the rights to my future book or give me my dream job. In which case I'll inform him myself right now.).

Some of the Cali friends

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