Wednesday, February 10, 2010

bestest friends ever!!!

Recently I emailed this out to a bunch of trusted and beloved friends (sorry guys if I don't tell ya'll that often enough but it's always true) because what's the point of having a blog if no one's reading it. Plus I highly value their input since I only choose the most intelligent, creative, fun, witty, well read and written, and oh yeah, hot friends. And I got a lot of positive feeback, as well as some recent random comments/compliments from those near and dear that've made me feel like I'm as wonderful as they are (including the one I got today from you know who you are that really inspired this post as I was searching for something to write on). That reminded me again that I have the most amazing collection of friends and family in the entire world. This is something I often think about (particularly if nothing else in my life is going according to plan), as well as often share with others. This includes one time when a guy I'd just met at a bar said he had the bestest friends in the world. I immediately told him that no, I actually have the bestest friends in the world. Let's just say we never went on a date (Perhaps I should have told him maybe we both could have the bestest friends in the world and then we would've made new friends.). So this is in honor of everyone who has supported me throughout my life whether it's been since near birth (holla bro and sis!) or more recently.

Bachelorette party in VegASS

Some people only have a a couple or one or perhaps even zero (so sad) people in their lives they feel they can truly count on but I don't think I could even count mine on all of my fingers and toes (I tend to be the kind of person who stays friends with everyone I have even the remotest connection with. Granted, some of those relationships fade over time due to distance, busy schedules, etc. but I know that if those details were to change we could pick right up where we left off.). Maybe only half actually feel that way about me but I like to think the feelings are mutual.

Z-Trip and glow in the dark body paint

As a child I made friends with everyone (as I still continue to do) and didn't think twice about whether or not they'd like me because I just knew they would. That faded some in the teenage years as insecurities crept in and I felt like I didn't quite belong anywhere for some time, which I later found out was probably how everyone felt during that same time period. College was where I made my comeback, as well as some of the greatest friends I'll ever have in my life (although a few I already knew from back in the day). There's still a significant group of ladies (and some gents, although I don't talk to them as much as I'd like) I keep in close touch with and count as my adoptive sisters. They witnessed (and really inspired) me turning from an extremely fashion challenged tomboy who didn't know how to flirt into someone who can mostly match and has had more than her fair share of M.O. sessions and dates. I definitely have to credit them for contribuing to the person I am today.

Post-Tgiving with the bro and adopted sisters

When I graduated from college and moved to a new city far away (a day's drive anyway). I spent two years meeting some cool peeps but longing for those friends as I only developed one real, meaningful friendship (that still continues strong to this day and I'm as grateful for it as she said today that she is). So when I moved out to southern California I had pretty low expectations in regards to making real friends. I figured I'd probably made my allotted amount back in college. Plus I'd heard all of the stereotypes about the fake people that reside here. Almost five years later I've had the complete opposite experience of what I'd expected. I've met some of the most phenomenol people I've ever encountered in my life (no worries college/before college friends, you are not being replaced). And there are so many I keep joking that I need to make friend cuts but I like everyone so much I wouldn't even know where to start. They've supported me through graduate school, me trying to get on the right career path, perpetual singleness, taught me to surf, found me soccer teams, etc., etc., etc. Five of them I even met at the same bar (and who says you can't meet someone at a bar)!

My bday/ugly holiday sweater bar crawl

I live in a four apartment building with eleven roommates and I call them all roommates because no one locks their doors and we walk in and out of one another's apartments like we all live there. It's not uncommon for me to come home to find my neighbors on our couch watching TV and none of my actual apartment's occupants anywhere nearby. None of us have our initial matching dishware or cooking utensils because we've all shared them back and forth so many times. I know that if I ever disappeared they'd have a search party out for me in a matter of hours. And while sometimes it can feel a bit claustrophobic and I have to work to spend time completely alone I recognize that I may never have such a situation again in my life and so I'm enjoying it to its fullest potential.

EVB Peeps

And the coolest part about all of these friends is when the different groups or individuals meet, often, it's like they've known one another for just as long as I've known all of them and they develop relationships amongst themselves (Not to brag but I'm directly/indirectly responsible for two marriages and likely a third in the near future!). But that's probably because they're all such good people and good people attract good people (or at least that's what I'm told). It definitely feels great to be the connector, though because there's nothing I dislike more than seeing someone who's lonely and unhappy. So thank you everyone who counts me as their friend or family member because without your positive influence in my life I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today. And I will discontinue all sappiness on this blog from now on (or at least it won't be a frequent occurence).

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