Wednesday, January 20, 2010

foot fetishes aren't just in the movies

As part of my job I often make presentations on college campuses. I love this because I enjoy college students (not only for the dating opportunities) and ultimately want to be a full-time professor. However, I’m often mistaken for a college student even at the community colleges I go to, where the median age has to be 19, which can sometimes be a problem. The only benefit being that getting hit on by dudes who can’t even legally enter a bar does wonders for the self-esteem so I can't complain too much.

So what I'll do instead is relay this story of one of the more bizarre encounters I’ve ever had. I was sitting on a bench at an anonymous community college campus between presentations (as I had more than one scheduled for the day) reading what was probably Harry Potter (as that was during my "I never thought I’d have an obsessed stage" obsessed stage). Now that I write that on paper (or rather a computer screen) I realize why I might get mistaken for a directly post-high school student. At any rate I was enjoying a free moment during the work day when a tiny, nerdy looking guy approached me and asked if he could sit on the bench with me. I found it a little odd that he wanted to sit directly on the bench I was sitting on when there were completely open benches all around but since I was eager (and a bit nerdy myself) to get back to my book I said, “Go ahead.”

He took this as a signal of my obvious interest, about to turn into full blown love at any time, and proceeded to chat with me. I was okay with that (well, just the chatting part) since I love talking to people and you never know what you’ll learn. Until suddenly he pointed to my shoes and told me I had high arches. Well, I know for a fact that I don't have high arches so I told him so. He insisted that I did. To which I replied, “Actually I know I don’t. I had my feet examined at a running store and I have normal feet.” Not sure why I felt the need to justify this. He again insisted that I did and told me to point my toe and when I did he moved his hand toward my foot. Thinking he was going to point out how I had a high arch (and mind you I had on heels so I don't know how he would be able to tell what my arch looked like anyway) he instead started to carress the bare part of my foot. Yanking my foot away I asked him what he was doing? That's when he said he had a thing for high arches and went off, "Well, I like all arches, high, regular..." and he kept talking and talking about his arch fetish. And it took me a minute to get my mind together because I couldn't believe this was happening to me; I'd though foot fetishes were something for the movies and I felt like I was watching myself in this movie. Finally he said something along the lines of wanting to photograph my foot. I said, "No thanks." He continued to say that he didn't have a camera with him anyway but would like to photograph my foot in the future. Snapping out of my daze I pretty much yelled, “No!” and really hoped the couple sitting across from us couldn’t hear this. He continued to go on and on about his foot fetish (which up until that moment I really thought only existed in the movies) with me sitting there unable to think anything but, “Is this real life?” Finally I tell him that he needed to leave NOW! To which he responded, “Okay, but can I get your phone number in case you change your mind in the future?” Needless to say this man is now my future husband…

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